Thursday, December 15, 2011

The People That I Love and Miss

I am very, very homesick.  I'm so glad that home is one week away.  ONE WEEK!  At this time in a week, I'll be in the air, looking down upon the beautiful Land of the Free.

Before I go home, I wanted to write a blog about the people I love and miss.  This is not all-inclusive (I couldn't find pictures of everyone), but I just want you all to know how wonderful these people are.  Sorry if this is a boring blog.  Like I said, I'm just really homesick.

My family is just wonderful.

Vacation 2010
I miss their humor . . .

I miss skating in winter wonderlands with them. . .then crashing.

I miss my goofy dad.

Who always makes me laugh.

And my beautiful mom. . .

Who is always there for me.

I miss my goofy brother.

Colorblindness is no excuse for this one.
And his impeccable fashion sense.

I miss my little sister.

She's a bird in a nest.  Notice her yellow egg :)

Who has a vivid imagination.

I miss my baby nephew.

Sleepy daddy.
He's not so tiny anymore!
And his daddy who is always thrilled when I take pictures of him. . .

And his beautiful mommy, and their happy little family :D

Christmas tree shopping last year :)

I miss Mammy (my grandma - isn't she lovely?).  And Aunt Karol. . .

And my Grandma Amy, fah-bulous Aunt Melissa, and Aunt Gina (who isn't related to either of them)

  I miss competing with my family in races. . .

Zethan's face is amazing.
I miss dragging my siblings to big cities on overnight buses and racing to see the sunrise over the reflecting pool by the Lincoln Monument (we never made it, as you can see).

In D.C.
I miss frozen ponds.

And accidents along the side of the road.

So this is what I miss.  I get to return in a week!!!!!


Studies and New Friends

Well, I couldn't hold off for ALL of finals.  I have to let you all know what I've been up to.  So, what have I been up to?  Well, a lot of this. . .

Yes, I wrote all of that.  These are some of the interconnected pathways we had to know for biochemistry.  I passed!
And a lot of this. . .

This is me, freaking out.
That is, studying in the library and mild head explosions.  Don't worry, I usually find all of the pieces afterwards.

Only two more exams to go!  I've passed them all so far (thank God), although I'm not so sure about this one I took yesterday.  It might not have been so hot.


I took a study break last weekend to go on my bi-weekly trip to Um Batin to teach English to Bedouin girls.  This last weekend, though, we took them on a field trip to a nice park near Kiryat Gat. 

After we played a few games, we ate lunch!
Here are some of the beautiful ladies.  I think there were a total of around 30 of us.
Then we started picture time!  This is Sibell :)
Meet Safa :)

and Aslaam :)

And Aslaam (again, lol, a common name, I guess)

And Nahalah

"Come with me if you like to eat," she told me, as she let me down to the carob tree.  It took awhile for me to interpret "caroob." I thought the taste was so familiar, but I just couldn't place it.

They're doing the John Cena thing.

I've got lots of "caroob!"

Picture time again!

Aslaam is such a sweetheart :)

She's about to stick it in my face. She's so funny!
These beautiful girls are so eager to learn, and they're incredibly sweet. I learn a lot from them, too, and I really love hanging out with them. I can't wait to go back and see them.  I'll miss them over break, but I'll be back in January :D

Well, it's like 2:30am.  I don't know what's wrong with me.  I need to get to SLEEP!

Lyla tov!