Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Bottle and a Language

I asked for a water bottle for my birthday.  I had one last summer that I lost at a construction site (more like, it got packed up by someone . . . or someone stole it) that was fantastic.  My new water bottle of the same fashion is green and wonderful and large (holds 1L).  I finally got it when I went home for the summer and have been joyously using it to hydrate myself since.

It is tragically missing.

I think I left it in the classroom yesterday :/

So I spent today trying to find the guy who locked up last night, to no avail.  In my pursuit, I was forced to use my fantastic Hebrew skills to talk to the cleaning lady.  As I was walking away, I shook my head in embarrassment of how stupid I must have sounded.  I'm glad I live in a country where most people are immigrants and have to learn Hebrew as a second language. As least people give me a little more grace.

I met her in the hallway as I was wandering around trying to find my lost precious.  She stands about 5'2" and was armed with gloves, a smock, and a rubberband to hold her long, soft black hair in a loose ponytail. She was pushing a cart that was twice as big as she is, and she paused as soon as she saw me looking at her.

Me: "Excuse me.  Yesterday. My the water bottle. Green. Here. Summer." (I meant to say 'classroom' instead of 'summer')

Lady: "I only work in the morning, and the other people who work in the evening aren't here right now."

Me: "What name you?"

Lady: "Juliana." (smiles)

Me: "Nice to meet you. What name other people?"

Lady: "Joey, Sarah, Ingrid. . .I don't remember who else."

Me: "He was other man?"

Lady: "Yes, but I don't remember his name.  Talk to Joey, but he's not here right now."

Me: "How much time he here?"

Lady: "In the morning, but I don't really know."

Me: "In the morning?  Okay, thank you very much.  Where are you from?"

Lady: "Colombia."

Me: (in English) "Oh shoot, we could have spoken in Spanish this whole time." *facepalm*  (in Spanish) "You speak Spanish? I speak Spanish!" (in Hebrew) "Thanks so much, have a nice day!"

Next month we have a Hebrew evaluation.  I think I'll be ehhh, studying ze Hebrew during my abundant break times.

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